
Monday, January 13, 2014

10 Ways for Men to Win Bonus Points

            My entire life I’ve always been labeled “one of the guys” because I’m such a tomboy and just have a better relationship with men since there isn’t any drama or fakeness. Many times my guy friends come to me for female advice because I’m the best of both worlds to them.
            I decided to comprise a list of 10 simple, random things that will help any man win major bonus points with a girl, whether that be his girlfriend, wife, or even just someone he’s crushing on. They work, trust me.

10. Randomly slip your hand into her back pocket.
When you’re walking along and just want to be cute, slide your hand into her back pocket. It’s even better when you’re kissing her and do it to pull her a bit closer.

9. Kiss her on the forehead.
Forehead kisses are sweet and she’ll feel special. It’s an easy way for you to show her you care because they are simple kisses that will give her a sense of safety and security. It lets her know you like her and you’re not into it just for sex. It shows just a bit of affection without going over the top like a full out PDA make out. (Even more bonus points if the forehead kiss comes after a huge bear hug!)

8. Give her your hoodie.
As much as she’s going to tease you and try to steal it, every girl knows you’re not actually going to part with your favorite baseball hat. She’s going to want to wear that too, but give her your hoodie so she can sleep in it. It smells like you and when you’re not there to cuddle and fall asleep next to her it’s the next best thing.

7. Surprise her with flowers for no occasion.
Don’t wait until she’s mad at you and you’re trying to make up for something. Out of the blue either show up on her doorstep with a bouquet or have one sent to her. Flowers are expensive, but they don’t have to be from the store. You can pick them yourself, no shame in that! Even a single rose is just as romantic, if not more romantic than a dozen if a sweet note accompanies it.

6. Run your fingers through her hair.
She will absolutely love if you play with her hair. Don’t forget to tuck it behind her ears when you go to kiss her too!

5. Kiss her in mid-sentence.
Don’t do it all the time because she will get mad you keep interrupting her, but every now and then just look her in the eyes while she’s talking and make her pause with a kiss. This also works if you’re fighting and you’re ready to surrender. It’s a way of saying you’re sorry and just want forgiven. Also do not do this if she’s trying to tell you something serious or important. Wait for the perfect moment.

4. Remember the little things she says even if they’re pointless.
Prove to her you listen to everything she says. Bring up a point she made in conversation weeks ago. She’ll be taken back that you paid attention to such a trivial detail about her life. Remembering the little things shows you’re genuinely interested in her.

3. Remind her that you care.
If you care about her you want what’s best for her and for her to be happy. Sometimes that means giving up time spent with her so she can do other things she loves or spend time with someone she hasn’t seen in awhile. She’ll know you care if you encourage her to follow her dreams and not stand in the way of that. Always support her even if you don’t necessarily agree with the situation. Remember that it’s still her life and it’s ultimately her decision. Make sure she knows she’s first in your life. She doesn’t want to take a backseat to your hobby or job all the time so be sure to make her your top priority and keep her as happy as possible. (Do so without being a pushover though)

2. Appreciate the little things she does.
She probably really, really didn’t want to come over just for you to work on your truck all day because it was the only day you had to do it. If she didn’t complain (and even if she did a little) show her that it meant a lot to you. When she takes the time to make you dinner, (even if it’s terrible) find the good in it. If she’s going out of her to do special things for you make sure you return the favor.

1. Spoil her with love, not gifts.
Treat her like a queen. You don’t need to buy her everything. She’d much rather be spoiled with love and genuine compassion. Sometimes that can be as simple as holding her hand and making sure she knows how much she means to you. Tell her everyday how much you love and care about her, but don’t say it just to fill a void in the conversation. Those three words are so powerful yet so overused. They don’t hold true meaning unless expressed correctly. Maybe write her a letter and leave it for her to wake up to about how much you love her. Don’t be afraid to let her see the sweet side of you.

            These work I promise. Don’t use them all at once all of a sudden though or your girl will know something is wrong or has changed. Life is about waiting for a good moment and turning it into a perfect one.
Every girl wants to live a fairytale. Be her knight in shining armor. I say knight rather than prince because it’s the knight who actually proves to the princess he cares while the prince sits at his castle and waits. You’re never going to find your princess if you stand on the sidelines letting someone else win her over.

Best of luck and may your fairytale have a happily ever after.

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