
Thursday, November 28, 2013

A Month of Thanks

            Wow, where to even begin?
            I think because many of my facebook friends expressed what they’re thankful for each day since November 1st I’m going to catch up with them now.
            Here goes:

29. Smartphones
Kudos to those people who survived and still survive without them because I don’t know how you do it. In addition to being my primary form of communication, mine is my alarm clock, GPS, camera, MP3, and basically my computer.

28. GPS
I thought it was only appropriate to list this next since I referred to it above. Everyone who knows me though can be thankful for my GPS, Jasmine. I may yell and swear at her the majority of our time spent together, but without her I would never successfully get anywhere because I don’t know how to read a map.

27. Sweet Tea
I’m not a coffee person so my caffeine kick is in my sweet tea addiction. It gets me through the days and helps keep me going strong.

26. Color
Without it the world would be so boring in just black and white.

25. Ex-boyfriends
Yes you did read that correctly, ex-boyfriends. They’ve taught me a lot about myself as well as relationships and what I’m looking for in one. Without them there are a lot of life lessons I would’ve missed out on so I’m thankful for the time spent with each.

24. Sight
Mine may be terrible (insert comments about my bullet-proof thick glasses here), but I couldn’t imagine not being able to see.

23. My Job
Being a sports writer is truly a dream job. I get paid to watch sports and write about them, my two favorite things. I’ve met so many incredible people while working and have made a lot of friends along the way too.

22. Sheetz
Shout out to my fellow Pennsylvanians! You don’t realize how often you go there until you live in a state where no one has ever even heard of it and the closest Sheetz is 130 miles away. (So pretty much if anyone ever wants to send me mac and cheese bites feel free to).

21. Internet
In particular I’m thankful for Google and Wikipedia. Without the internet I probably wouldn’t be where I am today because I Google literally everything.

20. Education
I’m thankful that I’ve had the opportunity to attend a wonderful institution such as Syracuse University. I’m also thankful that I’ve met a ton of great people and learned lessons both in and out of the classroom.

19. Inspiration/Motivation
Those who know me can verify that the only time I ever cry is during inspiring speeches and movies. Inspiration and motivation go hand-in-hand and I’m so thankful for both because without them I’d be lazy, fat, not in college, and watching Netflix in my parent’s basement for the rest of my life.

18. Random Acts of Kindness
I try to do at least one random act of kindness each day and when someone does something or says a random compliment to me it just makes my day. A simple act can go a long way, don’t forget that.

17. Enemies
Another strange thing to be thankful for, but my enemies and the people I know don’t like me have only pushed me to make myself a better person. You make me stronger and strive to be my absolute best. Just remember though, jealousy isn’t befitting on anyone ;)

16. Football
It is life. That is all.

15. Memories
I know you’re not supposed to live in the past, but I look back on life often and count my blessings in the people I’ve met, places I’ve gone, and things I’ve done.

14. Mistakes
Making mistakes is the only way to learn in life. It’s the hard way, but the only way you can learn a lesson and for that I’m thankful for every mistake I’ve ever made because it’s shaped me into who I am today.

13. The Comfort of Home
College makes you appreciate just how big your bed is, the endless amounts of food, always available and showering without flip-flops. Need I say more?

12. Nature
Going to college in a city has made me appreciate and be thankful for the outdoors and nature. It is so peaceful spending time in the woods, away from everyone and without cellphone service. It’s an escape from today’s go, go, go, crazy world.

11. Food
I think this one is self-explanatory, but it felt wrong not to include food since today is Thanksgiving.

10. Health
I’m blessed that I have no health conditions that prevent me from doing anything. I’m a healthy, strong 19-year-old girl and for that I’m eternally grateful.

9. Country Music
Driving down back roads with the windows down and music up – there is just no better feeling. Country music can be happy, sad, joyful, angry, and just about every other emotion possible. My radio dial doesn’t stray from the country station and although I’m a terrible singer I usually belt out the words to every song I hear.

8. My Hometown
Nothing like leaving home to make you appreciate what you have. The people I’ve known my entire life are incredible. If you ever need anything in our little town you can call whoever and they would be willing to help. You can’t find many people like that outside of Brockway.

7. America
This country is one of freedom and opportunity. I couldn’t imagine being raised anywhere else.

6. Being Me
I’m thankful for my individuality. I’m the only Francesca Celeste Varischetti in this world and I’m not afraid to stray off the path. Ralph Waldo Emerson’s quote, “Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail,” has been hanging next to my bed since I was seven years old. I live life my own way and embrace my uniqueness.

5. Horses
God’s gift to mankind. Horses have taught me not only discipline and hard-work through showing and taking care of them, but they’ve also been an emotional outlet growing up. It didn’t matter what time of day it was, my horse was always there for me to throw my arms around and cry into her mane. I’m also thankful for my barn and show family. Spending tons of time with people helps establish the strangest friendships but I love my show family and don’t know what I’d do without them.

4. Military 
Without those who’ve served in the United States military I wouldn’t have the life I do today. I thank you for your service and I’m thankful you’ve done all that you have.

3. Friends
The people who see you at your best, your worst, know all your secrets, are always there as a pillar of support, and would do anything for you. I’m grateful for my real friends who I know I can call at anytime and they’re always there. 

2. Family
My big, loud, crazy, obnoxious family that I have absolutely no clue what I’d do without. I love each and every one of you no matter how often we fight or the distance that separates us. You’ve been there for me my entire life (whether you wanted to or not) and all of you are awesome in your own way. I talk about you a lot at college because all my friends know who you are. I don’t know what I’d do without you guys. Love you!

1. Today
I’m thankful I woke up this morning. I’m thankful I was given a new day, another shot at life. I’m simply thankful for being alive. It doesn’t get much better than that.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Blessed With Freedom

            At one point in my life it honestly didn’t matter to me that I was born and raised in America.  However, one day it occurred to me just how lucky I am to have lived my life in such an amazing country. It wouldn’t be this country today though without our veterans. I realized there were people who had impacted my life who were much more selfless, courageous, and honorable than anyone I had ever met.

            I think I developed my soft spot for the military when I spent a week at Pennsylvania’s state police “boot camp”. It really hit me at camp graduation when our drill sergeant got choked up because his son was leaving for the Middle East. When I went back to this camp a few years later as a counselor, the sacrifices the military men and women of this country make every day became even more evident. The young man who was once just my drill instructor I’ve come to regard as a dear friend.

            I asked Sgt. Reynolds once why there was pride serving in the United States military. He told me that today, less than 1% of the entire U.S. population serves in the armed forces. Sadly, less than 1% are willing to fulfill a selfless act such as joining. He said there is nothing else that a person can do to show how much he loves his country then be willing to lay down his own life for it. He also said that all of the men who died before him saw that our nation was worth dying for and took pride in keeping the country safe and free for the generations to come. They did this not for glory or recognition, but for others. There is pride in the military because some people truly do love this country and are willing to do anything for it.

            I got another taste of the sacrifice one makes joining the military in March 2013 when a marine from my hometown was killed during the explosion at the Hawthorne Army Depot in Nevada. I didn’t personally know him, but went to junior high with his fiancĂ©. Hundreds of people from surrounding towns lined the streets to honor him during his funeral procession and to pay their respects. That sad time in our small town as well as the memories of him still today, show the amount of respect and honor people have for those who have served.

            For the past three months I’ve been living on the same floor as the Air Force ROTC learning community at Syracuse University. They are some of the greatest people I’ve gotten to know and friends I believe I’ll have for many more years.

When I asked them why they decided to become cadets they all echoed the same idea of wanting to give back to America and wanting to feel like they were making a difference in our country. Many of them come from military families with parents and grandparents who had served in either the Air Force or another branch, and they wanted to continue the tradition. They said that regardless of the duty they felt they had to their families who had served, they still felt they had a duty to their country. One told me that he realized it was a job that most people don’t want to do and he wanted to serve because he can make sure through it that people have a better life by the sacrifices he would make.

            I’ve really gotten to know these guys in the time spent together and I’ve come to regard them as basically brothers because we live together. What one of them said though really hit home for exactly what it means to be proud to be an American. He told me that to serve in the military you have to love this country as much as you love your life. He went out to say that to be able to join you have to be the person who tears up during the national anthem.

            The pride that he demonstrated in that statement was unbelievable. I never would’ve expected something like that coming from him but the military really does something to change a person’s outlook on how they view this country.

            Unfortunately some people think we should only honor those who have died. And many forget that there are 364 other days in the year that you can thank a service man or woman. Although Veterans Day means perhaps going a little more out of your way to show your thankfulness and respect, it shouldn’t be limited to just this day. All veterans deserve our upmost respect and thanks. Whether they be active duty, retired, reserves, or discharged, they still offered themselves to the United States. Without them, our lives wouldn’t be what they are today.  

            I’ve always had this thought in the back of my mind to one-day open a horse ranch for veterans to help them ease back into civilization after war and for injuries or medical problems that may have occurred while serving. That isn’t what I’m going to school for, but it has always been a nagging idea in the back of my mind.

I recently sat down and talked to a medically discharged marine who said his life went off the deep-end after doing a tour in Afghanistan. He shared with me that upon returning to the U.S. he was lost in life and became an alcoholic with no plans or goals. Much has changed since then and he now is married with a beautiful baby boy. I asked if he thought his life might have been different if he would’ve participated in some sort of equine therapy like I mentioned above. This man told me that equine therapy was not promoted upon his discharge but it would have been something that interested him and could have changed the path he took.

Unless something disastrous happens our country doesn’t seem to care. It takes tragedy to get people to notice and that doesn’t say much for our country. I want to open my ranch out of appreciation and respect to veterans. It’s the least I can do for all they’ve done for me.

            Today is a special day in our country. If you see someone who has dedicated their life to the United States, thank them. That small thank you goes such a long way.

To all who have dedicated their lives to protecting our country, from the bottom of my heart, I thank you. Those simple worlds will never be enough to sincerely show our appreciation and gratitude.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

A Letter To My Younger Self

To my younger self:

Buckle up; it’s going to be a hell of a ride.

            It will be one of the most relieving feelings when you stop trying to fit in and accept who you are. You’re a leader, not a follower. It doesn’t matter if you don’t wear designer clothes and that you prefer your cowboy boots to heels. It’s okay you’re a tomboy, don’t stress about it and try to act girly. You’re not a girly-girl so quit pretending to be one. Caking on makeup is a waste of time and a pain in the ass, don’t bother with it. Don’t be self-conscious that your hair is curly while every other girl is straightening her locks every day. Your curls are beautiful and your hair is healthy, you don’t need the fried ends.

Being labeled “one of the guys” doesn’t make you a slut; don’t let anyone tell you differently. You’re going to have more guy friends than girls going through high school, but it makes for less drama. Don’t get caught up in the drama and bullshit of life. Gossiping gets you nowhere and starting rumors only leads to trouble, stay away from that. Realize the people you call your friends right now aren’t always going to be the same ones who are they for you forever. Find your true friends and hold on to them. They will be there for you through everything.

            Embrace your flaws and your inner beauty. You’re never going to have a “thigh gap”. The many miles that you’ve ran and will continue to run and all the years of horseback riding will prevent that, as does your Italian heritage. The plus about not having a thigh gap though is that when food drops on your lap you’ll be sure to catch it! Being skinny isn’t everything. It isn’t worth the pain of starving yourself and exercising for hours and hours a day. You’re beautiful the way you are. You’re never going to be a size 0, but you can be healthy which is much more important.

Your family is going to be there for you for everything. Even when you feel unloved, they will support you and be your rock. Don’t push them away. You may not believe it, but they care. Appreciate all they do for you too. They’ve made, and will continue to make so many sacrifices to ensure your happiness, be sure to thank them every now and then.

Don’t be so quick to open up. Be hesitant about who you place your trust in. Not everyone deserves that privilege so make sure a person is worth spilling your secrets to before you do.

Remember you are a special girl and you deserve to be treated that way. DO NOT LOWER YOUR STANDARDS! A boy who doesn’t respect you doesn’t deserve your time. And do not actually believe you can change a guy. You will find a man eventually. You don’t need to be looking for one now. Enjoy and embrace the single life because that’s where the best memories will come from. Don’t bother being tied down because you’re going to miss out on a lot of fun because of it. More importantly though, never put someone’s happiness before your own. Be selfish in that way, but don’t be self-centered. Learn the balance.

Try not to offend people with your honesty and don’t be critical. There is a fine line between brutal honesty and hurting someone’s feelings. Flirt with it, but try not to cross it.

Don’t let people tell you your ideas are stupid. Sometimes they’re just going to be jealous of your dreams and ambitions, but don’t let them discourage you. Never doubt yourself. Only you know your true potential, share that with the world. When people scoff at your dreams, prove them wrong.

You’re never going to please everyone so don’t even try to. Also remember that perfectionism is overrated. As long as you are happy and doing what you love, forget everyone else.

Be proud of where you come from. Brockway may seem like the most boring place to live now, but you’ll miss that little town when you leave. Also be thankful for the lessons you’ve learned there and the people you’ve been raised with. They are truly one of a kind and you won’t find anybody like them outside of that town. They are some of the kindest people you will ever meet. Someday you’ll realize just how fortunate you were to be raised there and you’ll want to raise your family there too.

Take risks or else you won’t have any memories to look back on. Life is short. Don’t be afraid to do crazy things. It’s okay to fail and it’s okay to look foolish every now and then. Be able to laugh at yourself though and try again.

It’s okay to have no idea what you want to do with the rest of your life. You probably won’t know for many more years so don’t let that scare you. Try new things and if something interests you become involved.

Always say I love you. Each and every single day tell the people you care that you love them. Never go to bed mad, angry, or upset because you’re not guaranteed the next day. Be quick to forgive. That doesn’t mean you have to trust again, but try not to hold grudges. Never go a day without telling the people you care about that you love them though. They deserve to know.

You’ll figure this all out in due time.  Some things you’ll wish you would’ve known sooner, but if you’ve experienced it, you’ve learned a lesson.
Follow your dreams, believe in yourself, and realize you can do anything you set your mind to. You’ll make it, I promise. Just relax, breathe, and enjoy the ride.


Your future self